It's like a tear drop

"It's raining out there!," said the lady in pink dress with sad eyes.
"Why! there's nothing wrong with the rain right?" said the lady in red dress.
"It's bother me. I feel so sad. I feel so lonely. I feel so hurt!" cried the lady in pink dress.
"It break my heart. Like a tear drops falling from my eyes," said the lady in pink dress again with a teary voice.

"Don't cry my friend. Don't cry. Let it be. Let it go. Let rain wash it all," said the lady in red dress.
"Get up! It's time for you to move on. Don't look back even you have to look back. But never look back for as it may hurt you again. Wake up my friend," said the lady in red dress again and again.

As the lady in pink dress sulking in deep hurt, wanting for more from the man he could not claim as her's. Wishing he will see her in different way, indeed with love in his eyes. Indeed with gracious in his tones for she never ask for more. Only love! Just only love!


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